
Can you solve The Riddle of the Exporter™?

I’m a USPPI with a product that is an EAR-99, not on the CCL and not x’d on the CCC and not to an SDN. Am I OK? Do I contact the DOC or the BIS and do I need an HTS or an ECCN to file my EEI with the AES, now the ACE. Do I ship it FCA or CIP and just to make sure I CMA (#$%!), do I use an LC, you tell me?


Elyse’s journey began with a creative response to a contest and blossomed into a mission to simplify and demystify the complexities of international trade. In 2010, while the Director of Training at the International Trade Center, SBDC, Dallas, Texas, Elyse entered a contest by British Airways. The contest, The Face of Opportunity, requested video submissions on ways to expand international trade.

In Elyse’s living room, she dreamed up The Riddle of the Exporter, which was all the crazy acronyms that confuse every exporter, new and old. She was one of 250 people selected and was fortunate enough to travel with other entrepreneurs to New York, London and Prague, courtesy of British Airways.

After that, it made sense, that to solve The Riddle was to conquer the world of exporting. See Elyse’s original 2010 video.

The Riddle of the Exporter™ is an interactive, easy to understand method of conquering the world of exporting, step-by-step.

The Riddle of the Exporter™ is export training for entrepreneurs designed by an entrepreneur. Most export training is conducted through boring PowerPoint lectures from government and legal viewpoints.  
We know how entrepreneurs think. We recognize that they need to know the big picture first, then a process for completion, then the details. The details are laid out in checklist in our workbook, Export Success=Import Money.
The Riddle of the Exporter™ training is based on “discovery learning”.  We don’t just give you the information, we give you the way to discover the information. The training walks the student through an export transaction, start to finish while utilizing adult learning techniques, “real life” exporting progress with BettySue, good old common sense and gamification to increase attendee interaction.

The Riddle of the Exporter™ training has been presented throughout the U.S., Guam, Saipan and Puerto Rico to rave reviews.  It is also taught online, accessible through our school on LearnWorlds.com. (Click here for Resources/Shop page)

Attendees include new exporters, experienced exporters and their employees, bankers, consultants, students and entrepreneurs who want their start-up “born global”.  Check out our testimonials to see who can benefit from this training.

The Riddle of the Exporter™ 8 steps are:  #1 Getting Started, #2 Market Research, #3 Market Entry, #4 Legal (Contracts & IP), #5 Regulatory Compliance, #6 Transportation #7 Payments and Finance #8 Cultural.  It is presented as a continuum process, start to finish. 

Within the modules, large scope topics are covered first then the details are uncovered.  For example, Schedule B #s are required for all exports.  They are part of the HTS-Harmonized Tariff System worldwide.  The system is explained first, then the student must find BettySue’s product’s Schedule B#.

Detailed action. The details are covered in our workbook Export Success=Import Money, with extensive checklists and references. . (Click here for Resources/Shop) Click here

The workbook was first published in 2010 to compliment the training. Since then, it has expanded into a stand-alone reference book. The workbook is now available as an e-book or downloadable pdf. It has been updated approximately every 2 years with important industry changes and clarifications. We are on our 9th version.

The workbook is a reference book and follows The Riddle of the Exporter™ 8-Step process. Each step is organized the same way with the following pages:
⦁ W’s page:
Why is this step important
What do you need to know
Who can help you
Where to go to find the information
When to take the next step
⦁ Basics page of important facts about each step
⦁ Checklists to keep you on path.
The unique aspect of the eBook is that each page has key resources that are automatically linked. You can click the link right from the book to take you to important resources such as the Schedule B Search Engine. How easy is that!.
The workbook, Export Success=Import Money, available on Amazon or LearnWorlds with our training. (Click here for Resources/Shop)

Yes, The Riddle of the Exporter™ licensing is available for those who would like to teach exporting using this exciting method!  Contact us for more information.

We offer The Riddle of the Exporter™ resources:
⦁ Live Training
⦁ On-Demand Training with homework and BettySue interactions (Click here for Resources/Shop page to LearnWorlds)
⦁ e-Workbook: “Export Success=Import Money”. The workbook is used in conjunction with the training or as a stand-alone reference guide for any level of exporting.  (Click here for Resources/Shop page to Amazon and LearnWorlds)
⦁ Export plan templates and instructions (LearnWorlds)
⦁ In 2024, Elyse and BettySue will be offering consulting to assist you in creating your individualized export plan.

In The Riddle of the Exporter™, we teach that the #1 concept to understand is “Export Here=Import There”. International trade is a big interrelated circle. We have to understand both sides.

Importing products, whether used in your manufacturing process or selling to customers can add to your bottom line. Both importing and exporting have similar components but two distinct differences. Importing is a domestic venture (your customer and your manufactured products costs are in the U.S.) and the government agencies are different. The main import agency is Customs Border and Protection ( CBP, https://www.cbp.gov/)

Elyse has taught The Riddle of the Importer™ with the same “big concepts” as the exporting class. Of course, BettySue is part of the journey. Contact us if importing is your area of interest. 


Taranis, LLC dba Export Connector

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